A forum was held in Beijing on Saturday to examine the challenges in the global mining business for China.

A roundtable session is held during the 2023 Global Mining Business Development Forum held in Beijing, Nov. 25, 2023. [Photo provided to China.org.cn by the event organizers]

China's overseas mining investment, a key component of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), plays a crucial role in international exchange and cooperation, achieving significant accomplishments. However, it faces several challenges. The 2023 Global Mining Business Development Forum, co-organized by the Global Times and Central Merger Group, aims to address and find solutions for these pressing issues.

Coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the BRI, the forum explored new ideas and opportunities for the development of domestic and international mining. It sought to establish a platform for resource exchange between governments and enterprises, focusing on technological innovation, talent cultivation, and resolving bottlenecks and issues in industrial upgrading within the mining sector.

Additionally, the forum showcased successful cases of overseas collaboration by exceptional private mining enterprises. It also encouraged the active involvement of Chinese mining companies in international investment and cooperation, utilizing diverse perspectives and channels.

Energy and mineral resources have become an integral part of joint development under the BRI framework. Chinese mining companies are actively expanding globally, supporting the green and high-quality development of mining in BRI partner countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas. This shift marks a transition from focusing on self-interest to benefiting the world.

As a major Chinese media outlet, the Global Times has stated that it will collaborate with the Central Merger Group and experts from various fields, both domestic and international. This forum aimed to enhance overseas mining cooperation and development, leverage innovation to advance the industry, and deepen cooperation between Chinese and foreign mining entities.

During his speech, Wang Qian, chairman of the Central Merger Group, shared the company's experiences when conducting research in countries across South America, Africa, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. He highlighted their successful mining projects in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. Wang believes that Chinese mining enterprises have significant opportunities overseas and that the timing is ideal for expanding their ventures abroad.

During the forum, Wang Fan, president of China Foreign Affairs University, He Zhenwei, president of the China Overseas Industrial Development Association, and Wang Yuanfeng, vice chairman of the Chinese Association of Development Strategy Studies, delivered keynote speeches. They discussed the development of the domestic and international mining industry, the evolution and current trends of the BRI over its 10-year history, China's strategies for achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, and other relevant issues.

During the roundtable discussions, guests from embassies in China, the international engineering industry, and the mining industry shared their views and engaged in in-depth exchanges on the topic of "Overseas Business Environment and Market Opportunities for Chinese Mining Enterprises." Their discussions elicited positive reactions from the audience. Additionally, the Mining Committee (Preparatory Committee) of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hardware & Electrical Chamber of Commerce was established during the forum, aiming to build a communication platform to strengthen international cooperation in the mining industry. 

Zhang Ting'an, a professor at Northeastern University and a specially invited standing council member of the Nonferrous Metals Society of China, noted that as China has become a global manufacturing center, it has significant demand for mineral resources.

"China remains one of the largest consumers of mineral resources globally, providing new impetus for the development of the global mining industry and injecting new energy into its advancement. Through mutually beneficial international mining cooperation, China has established positive bilateral relationships in mineral resource development and trade with countries worldwide. China actively maintains the normal order of international mineral product trade, promotes open cooperation, and common development in the global mining industry," he said.